Every day across our world people are going to bed without food. Some go without food or water for days at a time. Many of these people are children and the elderly. We here at the Inland Empire Community Outreach Center have made it our goal to work every day to provide aid and assistance to those who cannot support themselves due to unfortunate circumstances, but we cannot do this alone. Your help is needed. Please help us give back to our communities and to those who need help the most. Together we can make a difference. Donate today.

About Us

                                              Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower individuals and families in our community by providing comprehensive support services, fostering connections, and promoting self-sufficiency. Through collaborative partnerships and innovative programming, we strive to address the diverse needs of our community and create a nurturing environment where everyone can thrive.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to cultivate a vibrant and harmonious community where every member feels valued, supported, and inspired to reach their full potential. By fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding, we aim to be a catalyst for positive change, creating a legacy of interconnectedness that transcends generations. Together, we envision a community that thrives on shared opportunities, celebrates diversity, and exemplifies the true spirit of unity and resilience.

Who We Are

The Inland Empire Community Outreach Center was founded in 2018 as a means to assist homeless individuals, low-income families, and disadvantaged communities. We are a 501 (C)(3) nonprofit organization who provides hot meals and groceries to the homeless, low-income families and individuals who can’t afford to feed themselves. Since 2018 we have worked tirelessly with local community agencies to combat hunger, illegal dumps, homelessness, recidivism, and improve the quality of life for our communities. We have seen much success, with the help of other community focused organization, in the improvement of communities in the San Bernardino County area. We also provide a Congregate Feeding site, more commonly known as a soup kitchen. We provide nutritious meals provided in a group setting. This type of meal service provides a person in need of a healthy meal while enjoying the companionship of friends and other members of the community. The congregate feeding program is supported with a rotating menu of USDA food commodities and supplemented with fresh produce and meats. These hot meals are always provided at no cost to those seeking a meal. We have seen great community improvement over the past 6 years serving the community.

Reentry Programs

The Inland Empire Community Outreach Center is dedicated to providing immediate, effective, and comprehensive employment services exclusively to individuals recently released from incarceration. Our mission is to ensure that justice-impacted job seekers have the necessary preparation and support to find employment and achieve socioeconomic mobility. Our program encompasses immediate housing and employment, skills training, job placement, and ongoing career support. By offering these services, we aim to empower justice-impacted individuals in their journey toward successful reintegration into society.

Strategies & Plans

The Inland Empire Community Outreach Centers objective is to provide leadership and collaborative assistance to those who face the greatest needs caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; we provide a home delivery and grab-n-go system which consist of food, water and basic hygiene needs during this time of self-distancing. This has supported a more vibrant and healthier community for homeless individuals, families, and elderly people alike by reducing a large gathering to help control the coronavirus epidemic during this social distancing time.



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